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Using Montessori Activities to Develop the Reading Skills of Autistic Children with High Functioning

Available from: Egyptian Knowledge Bank

Publication: Journal of Faculty of Education – Assiut University

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Abstract/Notes: This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of a Montessori-based program in developing reading skills among high-functioning children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and to examine the sustainability of these improvements over time. The study sample consisted of six children with ASD aged between five and eight years. Research instruments included the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale-Third Edition (GARS-3) ، the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales، Fifth Edition (standardized by Mahmoud Abu El-Niel، 2013)، a researcher-developed reading skills test، and a Montessori-based reading intervention program. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the Montessori-based program in enhancing reading skills among high-functioning children with ASD، and this improvement was sustained during the follow-up periodAutism disorder is a developmental disorder, and interest in it has increased relatively in the Arab countries during the last ten years. Leo-Kenner in 1943 was the first to refer to autism as a disorder that occurs in childhood, and many names have been used for this disorder, such as: autism, Rumination, autism, childhood isolation, and childhood psychosis. The use of these labels is due to the ambiguity and complexity of the different diagnosis of autism. Keywords: Montessori activities ،Reading ، spectrum disorder

Language: Arabic, English

DOI: 10.21608/mfes.2025.323245.1947

ISSN: 1110-2292


Main Specificities of the Development of the Reform Pedagogical Movement in Hungary: Alternative Schools After 1990 / Principalele Particularităţi Ale Dezvoltării Mişcării De Reformă Pedagogică în Ungaria: Şcoli Alternative După 1990

Available from: Revista de Pedagogie / Journal of Pedagogy

Publication: Revista de Pedagogie / Journal of Pedagogy, vol. 72, no. 2

Pages: 175-196

Eastern Europe, Europe, Hungary, Montessori method of education – History

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Abstract/Notes: The study aims to present the current reform and alternative education situation in Hungary. Hungarian reform pedagogy has a long history, and between the two world wars, the reception of European reform trends became a significant part of the pedagogical culture. The New School movement, the Child Study movement and experimental pedagogy became an integral part of Hungarian pedagogy. Reform pedagogical institutions were established mainly in the capital, the most important being Waldorf, Montessori pedagogy, the Family School, the New School, and in the countryside, the most significant were the School of Action and the Garden School (Szeged). The information sources for the study were the results of research on reform pedagogy and life reform in Hungary, studies about alternative pedagogical schools, and pedagogical websites. The outline and overview analysis cover the conceptual definitions, the historical traditions and the main features of the current situation. The research group of Eötvös University (led by Prof. András Németh), the Jena-Plan working group, has played a prominent role in researching (over 30 years) and promoting the Hungarian reform pedagogical movement. / Studiul îşi propune să prezinte situaţia actuală a reformei şi a educaţiei alternative din Ungaria. Pedagogia maghiară a reformei are o istorie îndelungată, iar între cele două războaie mondiale receptarea tendinţelor reformatoare europene a devenit o parte semnificativă a culturii pedagogice. Mişcarea New School, mişcarea Child Study şi pedagogia experimentală au devenit parte integrantă a pedagogiei maghiare. Instituţiile pedagogice care promovau reforma în educaţie au fost înfiinţate în principal în capitală. Cele mai des întâlnite modele pedagogice alternative din mediul urban, cele mai importante au fost Waldorf, pedagogia Montessori, Şcoala Familiei, Şcoala Nouă, iar în mediul rural cele mai importante au fost Şcoala Activă şi Şcoala Grădină (Szeged). Sursele de informare ale studiului au fost rezultatele cercetărilor privind pedagogia reformei şi reforma vieţii în Ungaria, studii despre şcoli pedagogice alternative şi site-uri pedagogice. Schema şi analiza generală acoperă definiţiile conceptuale, tradiţiile istorice şi principalele caracteristici ale situaţiei actuale. Grupul de cercetare al Universităţii Eötvös (condus de Prof. András Németh), grupul de lucru Jena-Plan, au jucat un rol important în cercetarea (timp de peste 30 de ani) şi promovarea mişcării pedagogice de reformă din Ungaria.

Language: English

DOI: 10.26755/RevPed/2024.2/175

ISSN: 0034-8678, 2559-639X


The Reception of Rudolf Steiner, Célestin Freinet and Helen Parkhurst in Interwar Romania / Receptarea lui Rudolf Steiner, Célestin Freinet şi Helen Parkhurst în România Interbelică

Available from: Revista de Pedagogie / Journal of Pedagogy

Publication: Revista de Pedagogie / Journal of Pedagogy, vol. 72, no. 2

Pages: 155-174

Eastern Europe, Europe, Hungary, Montessori method of education – History

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Abstract/Notes: Articolul înfăţişează o abordare teoretică, comparativă şi se bazează pe surse primare, articole din presă şi publicaţiile educaţionale ale vremii şi surse secundare, lucrări şi compendii de pedagogie, iar metoda de cercetare se circumscrie studiului istoric, implicând analiza, contrastarea şi compararea surselor. Premiza de cercetare de la care am pornit este că, deşi în perioada interbelică mediul cultural românesc era unul periferic, în acest spaţiu s-a putut manifesta totuşi o receptivitate pentru inovaţiile pedagogice din Europa şi de peste ocean, selectând să probăm ipoteza pe contribuţiile pedagogice ale lui Steiner, Freinet şi Helen Parkhurst. Menţionăm că datorită influenţei sporite şi a popularităţii Mariei Montessori, resimţită prin numărul mare de apariţii în publicaţiile de profil şi în presa românească interbelică, aceasta nu a fost inclusă în studiu, urmând ca mai multe abordări viitoare să trateze montessorianismul în România interbelică. Studiul arată că publicaţiile de profil din perioada interbelică s-a manifestat dorinţa de a evolua dincolo de rigiditatea şi formalismul tradiţional, herbartian, fiind aduşi în discuţie nu numai în mod laudativ, dar şi critic şi pragmatic Pestalozzi, Rein, Dewey, Piaget, Parkhurst, Montessori şi Freinet. Premisa de cercetare se confirmă parţial, deoarece dintre cele trei alternative educaţionale moderne specificate în titlu, contribuţia lui Rudolf Steiner a fost cea mai puţin menţionată şi apreciată în spaţiul editorial românesc în perioada investigată, Steiner fiind mai degrabă cunoscut pentru preocupările sale de „antroposofie” decât pentru vederile sale pedagogice. La moartea lui Steiner, Lucian Blaga a scris un articol laudativ în care a menţionat foarte pe scurt vederile educaţionale ale pedagogului austriac. [The article presents a theoretical, comparative approach and is based on primary sources, press articles and educational publications of the time and secondary sources, works and pedagogy compendiums, and the research method is limited to historical study, involving the analysis, contrasting and comparison of sources. The research premise from which we started is that, although in the interwar period the Romanian cultural environment was a peripheral one, in this space a receptivity could still be manifested for pedagogical innovations from Europe and overseas, selecting to test the hypothesis on the pedagogical contributions of Steiner, Freinet and Helen Parkhurst. We mention that due to the increased influence and popularity of Maria Montessori, felt through the large number of appearances in specialized publications and in the interwar Romanian press, she was not included in the study, following that several future approaches will treat Montessoriism in interwar Romania. The study shows that the publications in the interwar period showed a desire to evolve beyond the rigidity and traditional, Herbartian formalism, Pestalozzi, Rein, Dewey, Piaget, Parkhurst, Montessori and Freinet being discussed not only in a laudatory manner, but also critically and pragmatically. The research premise is partially confirmed, because of the three modern educational alternatives specified in the title, Rudolf Steiner’s contribution was the least mentioned and appreciated in the Romanian editorial space during the investigated period, Steiner being known more for his concerns with “anthroposophy” than for his pedagogical views. Upon Steiner’s death, Lucian Blaga wrote a laudatory article in which he very briefly mentioned the educational views of the Austrian pedagogue.]

Language: English

DOI: 10.26755/RevPed/2024.2/155

ISSN: 0034-8678, 2559-639X


P148: Montessori as a Tool to Engage the Elderly with Dementia – Literature Review [poster]

Available from: ScienceDirect

Publication: International Psychogeriatrics, vol. 35

Pages: 139

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Language: English

DOI: 10.1017/S1041610223002727

ISSN: 1041-6102


Women Intellectuals of the Western World: An Educational Perspective

Available from: The Social Science Review

Publication: The Social Science Review, vol. 3, no. 1

Pages: 62-67

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Language: English


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Validation of the Dutch Teacher Questionnaire of Montessori Practice

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Publication: Journal of Research in Childhood Education

Pages: 1-17

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori education has existed for over 100 years, with almost 16,000 schools worldwide. The results from research on Montessori effectiveness are difficult to interpret due to different ways of implementing the method. To elucidate research findings from future studies on Montessori education more adequately, it is necessary to develop and validate an instrument to measure implementation. This study describes the need to assess Montessori implementation to gain a better understanding of its effectiveness, the validation of the Dutch Teacher Questionnaire of Montessori Practice (TQMP), and explores the implementation of Montessori principles in Dutch Montessori schools. Results among 318 elementary Montessori teachers indicated a 5-factor model. Although the psychometric properties of this version seem promising, there is room for improvement, particularly in enhancing the reliability of the factors. Mean scores and the range of scores highlight considerable variation among the five factors in Montessori implementation, suggesting variation in the way Dutch schools apply these Montessori principles.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1080/02568543.2025.2455669

ISSN: 0256-8543


Analysing the Social Skills and Problem Behavior of the Immigrant Learners

Available from:

Publication: International Journal of Educational Studies, vol. 8, no. 1

Pages: 53-59

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Abstract/Notes: This research analysed the social skills and problem behavior of immigrant learners inside the classroom at L’enfant Roi Montessori Kindergarten. This study utilized a descriptive correlational design. It utilized an adopted survey questionnaire instrument. It was conducted at L’enfant Roi Montessori Kindergarten School, Elementary Department, located in Kirchberg Luxembourg. The respondents were 84 parents and 16 teachers, purposively selected, of the learners enrolled in kindergarten, who gave their analysation as to the social skills and problem behavior of the immigrant learners. The parent respondents were analysed in terms of the number of siblings, country of origin, educational attainment. The teacher respondent analysed the social skills and problem behavior of the immigrant learners. The data gathered were statistically treated using frequency count, simple percentage, weighted mean, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient (r). Findings revealed that the teacher’s respondent analysed the social skills to the immigrant learners inside the classroom as 3.00, suggests that these issues have significantly happened sometimes. The teacher’s respondent analysed the problem behavior to the immigrant learners inside the classroom as 2.46 suggests that these issues have rarely occurred to immigrant learners. There was a low positive correlation was found on the impact of social skills and problem behaviour on immigrant learners. This is hard to find constant dynamic nature of educational strategies highlights the need for ongoing adaptation to the varying needs and challenges encountered by learners. It is concluded that there were no relationship of social skills and problem behaviour were varied between the number of siblings, origin; and the education attainment of the parents, regarding the interventions in family, and teacher, highlighting the need to improved language course for learners and parent or after school program to better cope up the problem of immigrant in the new country. It is recommended that should be adopted to establish stronger communication channels between teachers and parents to address he educational challenges and formulate better and consistent interventions.

Language: en


✓ Peer Reviewed

How Preschool Children Recognize Hanzi? Exploring the Impact of Home Literacy Environments on Montessori Preschool Children’s Hanzi Recognition Performance

Available from: SAGE Journals

Publication: Sage Open, vol. 15, no. 1

Pages: Article 21582440241311655

Alphabets – Study and teaching, Asia, China, Chinese characters – Taiwan, East Asia, Hanzi, Language acquisition, Language development, Taiwan

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Abstract/Notes: This study explores the relationship between the Hanzi recognition performance and the home literacy environments of 351 children aged 3 to 6 based on Montessori’s philosophy of education. This study used 200 frequently spoken words in Montessori classrooms as the word set of a Hanzi recognition test, based on which studies at six Montessori preschools in middle and southern Taiwan were conducted. The results of this study revealed that girls’ scores are significantly higher than that of boys on the word recognition test, whereas no significant difference between the middle (4s/5s) and junior (3s/4s) classes children were observed. However, from the qualitative analysis perspective, the junior class children also performed exceptionally well. Parent-child shared reading and chats, directly and indirectly, affected their children’s Hanzi recognition outcome. The analysis of the interviews with the children suggested that family life experiences were indeed a crucial factor in the children’s word recognition.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1177/21582440241311655

ISSN: 2158-2440

Master’s Thesis

The Effects of Starting the Day in Greenspace on Lower Elementary Students

Available from: MINDS@UW River Falls

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of students starting their day in greenspace. The researcher collected data from 28 participants aged six to nine, regarding their executive functioning, productivity, and emotional state dependent upon starting the day with time in greenspace. The results indicated that overall there was not a significant differential to starting the day in greenspace. This study indicates that for this population and in this setting the time spent in greenspace does not significantly impact executive functioning or emotional state but does positively impact relationship building and imaginative play.

Language: English

Published: River Falls, Wisconsin, 2024

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

Preschool Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Teaching Mathematics: A Multiple Holistic Case Study Approach

Available from: Clemson University Libraries

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Language: English

Published: Clemson, South Carolina, 2024