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How Preschool Children Recognize Hanzi? Exploring the Impact of Home Literacy Environments on Montessori Preschool Children’s Hanzi Recognition Performance
Available from: SAGE Journals
Mei-Ling Wang (Author) , Hsiao-Fang Lin (Author) , Teng-Chien Yu (Author)
Publication: Sage Open, vol. 15, no. 1
Date: 2025
Pages: Article 21582440241311655
Alphabets - Study and teaching, Asia, China, Chinese characters - Taiwan, East Asia, Hanzi, Language acquisition, Language development, Taiwan
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Abstract/Notes: This study explores the relationship between the Hanzi recognition performance and the home literacy environments of 351 children aged 3 to 6 based on Montessori’s philosophy of education. This study used 200 frequently spoken words in Montessori classrooms as the word set of a Hanzi recognition test, based on which studies at six Montessori preschools in middle and southern Taiwan were conducted. The results of this study revealed that girls’ scores are significantly higher than that of boys on the word recognition test, whereas no significant difference between the middle (4s/5s) and junior (3s/4s) classes children were observed. However, from the qualitative analysis perspective, the junior class children also performed exceptionally well. Parent-child shared reading and chats, directly and indirectly, affected their children’s Hanzi recognition outcome. The analysis of the interviews with the children suggested that family life experiences were indeed a crucial factor in the children’s word recognition.
Language: English
DOI: 10.1177/21582440241311655
ISSN: 2158-2440
Master's Thesis
The Effects of Starting the Day in Greenspace on Lower Elementary Students
Available from: MINDS@UW River Falls
Sarah Daniels (Author)
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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of students starting their day in greenspace. The researcher collected data from 28 participants aged six to nine, regarding their executive functioning, productivity, and emotional state dependent upon starting the day with time in greenspace. The results indicated that overall there was not a significant differential to starting the day in greenspace. This study indicates that for this population and in this setting the time spent in greenspace does not significantly impact executive functioning or emotional state but does positively impact relationship building and imaginative play.
Language: English
Published: River Falls, Wisconsin, 2024
Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)
Preschool Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Teaching Mathematics: A Multiple Holistic Case Study Approach
Available from: Clemson University Libraries
Farhana Afroz (Author)
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Language: English
Published: Clemson, South Carolina, 2024
The Impact of Montessori and Reggio Emilia Approaches on Developmental Milestones and Learning Approaches in Early Childhood
Available from: Francis Academic Press
Justina I. Chukwuka (Author)
Publication: International Journal of New Developments in Education, vol. 7, no. 1
Date: 2025
Pages: 1-6
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Abstract/Notes: This study explores the impact of Montessori and Reggio Emilia approaches on children's developmental milestones, learning outcomes, and overall well-being.; drawing insights from scholars' thoughts to show how these approaches influence children's overall outcomes. The paper is divided into four parts, focusing on the introduction, overview of both methods, influence on developmental milestones, and influence on approaches to learning in early years and even through adulthood.
Language: English
Factors affecting the development of self-reliance in kindergarten children
Available from: Egyptian Knowledge Bank
Razan Alsadlan (Author) , Noura Al-Matroudi (Author)
Publication: المجلة التربوية لکلية التربية بسوهاج [Educational Journal of the Faculty of Education, Sohag University], vol. 129, no. 129
Date: Jan 2025
Pages: 79-156
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Abstract/Notes: The current study aimed to study the factors affecting the development of self-reliance in kindergarten children, and identified three factors; Material factors, psychological factors, and social factors, and also aimed to find out methods that help increase autonomy among kindergarten children. The study adopted the qualitative approach, appropriate to the nature and requirements of the study, and applied the case study method to Al-Manal School, which applies the Montessori system in the city of Unaizah. It adopted two tools for studying the case, direct observation by the researcher on kindergarten children through actual coexistence, and open and semi-structured interviews with teachers and mothers. Pre-questionnaires were prepared to help implement the observation and interview. The sample was (15 mothers), (6 teachers), and (56 children) between the ages of four and six years, distributed in three classes. According to the researcher's actual coexistence, the teachers' point of view, and the parents' point of view, the study concluded that material factors - such as financial ability - play a major role in providing good education, summer activities, and basic supplies; Such as education centers, clothing, food, educational games, and their ability to provide a private space for the child; such as allocating places for the child's needs that are appropriate for his size and ability; such as a wardrobe that is appropriate for his size, a lavatory that is appropriate for his size, and a place designated for games. These are factors that help in instilling independent behavior in the child; because they help him to do tasks alone without asking for help. Also, material rewards encourage and enhance independent behaviors issued by the child.
Language: Arabic
DOI: 10.21608/edusohag.2025.335948.1608
ISSN: 1687-2649, 2536-9091
Master's Thesis (Architecture)
Método Montessori e Arquitetura. A Criança como ser Independente Inserido no Desenho do Espaço
Available from: Universidade do Porto - Repositório Aberto
Beatriz Silva Rolim (Author)
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Abstract/Notes: The traditional teaching model is seen as a transmission of knowledge. It was believed that the fundamental basis for quality teaching was to follow a certain hierarchy, with the teacher being responsible for content and discipline. In the mid-19th century, education began to be viewed as a model of rigidity and discipline; thus, the pedagogical methods applied by dozens of educators were based on everything they were accustomed to following. The educational practice was not only rigid but also had a significant hierarchical gap between teacher and students, without considering that, in a general context, each individual naturally possesses different levels of limitations. In fact, no traditional teaching model would be able to equally disseminate knowledge to individuals of different capacities. Within this context, the present investigation presents the life of Maria Montessori and her contribution to education. As a doctor and educator, she broke social and professional barriers, being the first woman to study medicine and, most importantly, going against traditional teaching models. Montessori revolutionized our way of thinking, transforming our old traditional model from merely a hierarchical transmission of knowledge to a free model considering individual freedom and sensory and spontaneous stimulation. According to Hermann Röhrs' essay, it is not easy to define Montessori's position concerning other proponents of the educational reform movement that emerged during this period, the Active School, New School, or Progressive School. This author states: "Contrary to most of them, she was greatly influenced by Rousseau. Several passages in her books seem like variations on Rousseau's themes, and her criticism of the adult world, which, in her view, did not consider children, also recalls Rousseau's attitude." In summary, the text first develops with the history of Maria Montessori, narrating her trajectory and experiences that led to the creation of the Montessori Method and the emergence of the first Children's Houses. It then correlates the importance of pedagogy, the child, and architecture as a teaching space. To highlight the importance of pedagogy in this context, philosophers and scholars who greatly contributed to what would be a good education are cited, namely; Edgar Morin (1921) with his theories on good education for the future, Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778) highlighting the importance of education as an ideal tool to ensure man's freedom in society, Johann Heirich Pestalozzi (1746 - 1827) considering a safe and stimulating environment for children without the imposition of rules to be followed, John Dewey (1859 - 1952) proposing a teaching method based on democracy, and Howard Gardner (1943) advocating the theory of multiple intelligences, arguing that all human beings need adequate stimuli for good education. Considering these philosophers and scholars, the dissertation develops to expose the child in Maria Montessori's method and relates it to traditional classroom models, raising a question answered in the final considerations: "Considering the child as an independent being, what aspects are influenced in the composition of spaces according to the Montessori method?" After raising the question, the text throughout mentions Montessori characteristics for the new pedagogy, such as the concept of freedom in the method, its importance, furniture, exposure in the United States where Montessori showcased her classroom model and the positive results Montessori education provides for children. Following this, three traditional classroom models are exemplified; individual, mutual monitorial, and simultaneous, exposing in spatial and pedagogical terms the classroom configuration. Sketches by the author highlight the design of the traditional classroom compared to the fluid and free Montessori classroom space. Finally, in the last chapter, three examples of Montessori schools are presented, chosen based on three different space articulations that align the Montessori method and pedagogy with each architect's constructive ideals. The aim of presenting these examples is to expose the importance of architecture in achieving a certain balance with different spatial conditions along with the application of the Method. Thus, the pioneering model of the Children's House is presented, reinforcing Montessori ideals, and three examples: Montessori School in Hampstead (2015) in London, UK, Montessori School in Delft (1960 - 2008) in Delft, Netherlands, and Fuji Kindergarten (2007) in Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan. With this, the present dissertation develops a discussion about the composition of traditional and Montessori teaching spaces, as the method aims to provide freedom to individuals in a well-prepared learning environment, and specifies in the conclusions the general principles of Montessori design and how architecture aligned with these principles contributes to better teaching practice and which aspects are influenced in the composition of spaces according to the method. / O modelo de ensino tradicional é visto como uma transmissão de conhecimento. Acreditava-se que a base fundamental para um ensino de qualidade era seguir uma determinada hierarquia, sendo o professor o difusor responsável pelo conteúdo e pela disciplina. Em meados do século XIX, a educação começou a ser vista como um modelo de rigidez e disciplina; assim, os métodos pedagógicos aplicados por dezenas de educadores eram com base em tudo o que já estavam habituados a seguir. A prática educativa para além de rígida possuía grande desfasamento hierárquico entre professor e alunos, sem pensar que, em um contexto geral, cada indivíduo, por natureza, possui níveis diferentes de limitações. De facto, nenhum modelo tradicional de ensino seria capaz de difundir, de forma igualitária, o conhecimento a indivíduos de diferentes capacidades. Dentro desse contexto, a presente investigação apresenta a vida de Maria Montessori e seu contributo à educação, uma vez que a médica e pedagoga quebra barreiras no âmbito social e profissional, como a primeira mulher a estudar medicina e, principalmente, a ir contra os modelos tradicionais de ensino. Montessori revolucionou a nossa maneira de pensar, fez que nosso antigo modelo tradicional deixasse de ser apenas uma transmissão de conhecimento, com uma base hierárquica, para ser um modelo livre, considerador da liberdade do indivíduo e seu estímulo sensorial e espontâneo. Segundo o ensaio de Hermann Röhrs, não é fácil definir a posição de Montessori em relação aos outros adeptos do movimento renovador do ensino que eclodiu nesse período, a Escola Ativa ou Escola Nova, ou Escola Progressista. Diz esse autor: "Contrariamente à sua maioria, ela era muito influenciada por Rousseau. Várias passagens de seus livros parecem variações sobre temas de Rousseau, e sua crítica do mundo dos adultos que, a seus olhos, não levavam em conta as crianças, lembra igualmente a atitude de Rousseau"1. Em resumo, o texto se desenvolve, primeiramente, com a história de Maria Montessori, a contar sua trajetória e suas experiências que a levaram à criação do Método Montessori e o surgimento das primeiras Casas das Crianças. Em seguida, é correlacionada a importância da pedagogia, da criança e da arquitetura enquanto espaço de ensino. Para destacar a importância da pedagogia nesse contexto, citam-se filósofos e estudiosos que muito contribuíram ao que seria uma boa educação, são eles; Edgar Morin (1921) com suas teorias a uma boa educação do futuro; Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778) a retratar a importância da educação como ferramenta ideal a garantir a liberdade do homem na sociedade; Johann Heirich Pestalozzi (1746 - 1827) a considerar um ambiente seguro e estimulante às crianças, sem imposição de regras a serem seguidas; John Dewey (1859 - 1952) a propor um método de ensino que tenha como base a democracia, e Howard Gardner (1943), defensor da teoria das inteligências múltiplas, a defender que todos os seres humanos necessitam de estímulos adequados para uma boa educação. Vistos esses filósofos e estudiosos, a dissertação se desenvolve a expor a criança no método de Maria Montessori e faz relação com os modelos de sala de aula tradicionais, o que se levanta um questionamento respondido nas considerações finais; "A considerar a criança como ser independente, quais aspectos são influenciados na composição dos espaços segundo o método Montessori?". Após levantado o questionamento, ao longo do texto, são citadas as características Montessori para a nova pedagogia, como o conceito de liberdade no método, sua importância, o mobiliário, a exposição nos Estados Unidos, na qual Montessori expõe seu modelo de sala, e os resultados positivos que a educação Montessori proporciona às crianças. Logo a seguir, são exemplificados três modelos de sala de aula do ensino tradicional, são eles: o individual, o monitorial mútuo e o simultâneo, a expor em termos espaciais e de pedagogia a configuração da sala. Esquissos de própria autoria destacam o desenho da sala de aula tradicional em comparação ao espaço fluído e livre da sala Montessori. Por fim, no último capítulo, são apresentados três exemplos de escolas Montessori, que foram escolhidos com base em três diferentes articulações de espaços, que alinham o método e a pedagogia Montessori aos ideais construtivos de cada arquiteto. O objetivo a apresentar esses exemplos é expor a importância da arquitetura a atingir certo equilíbrio a diferentes condições espaciais junto à aplicação do Método. Assim, é apresentado o modelo pioneiro da Casa das Crianças, a reforçar os ideais Montessori, e os três exemplos, a Escola Montessori em Hampstead (2015) em Londres no Reino Unido, Escola Montessori em Delft (1960 - 2008) em Delft, Holanda, e Jardim de Infância Fuji Kindergarten (2007) em Tachikawa, Tóquio, Japão. Com isso, a presente dissertação desenvolve uma discussão acerca da composição dos espaços de ensino tradicional e Montessori, uma vez que o método tem como princípio proporcionar liberdade aos indivíduos inseridos em um ambiente de aprendizagem bem preparado, e especifica, nas conclusões, os princípios gerais do design Montessori, a maneira como a arquitetura alinhada a esses princípios contribui a uma melhor prática do ensino e quais aspectos são influenciados na composição dos espaços segundo o método.
Language: Portuguese
Published: Porto, Portugal, 2024
Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)
Exploring the Introduction of the Montessori Method in a Malawian Cultural Context Through Collaborative Action Research with Children and Teachers
Available from: Anglia Ruskin University
Michelle D. Wisbey (Author)
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Abstract/Notes: Montessori education is based upon a dynamic triangle of three essential, interdependent elements: the child, the teacher, and the environment. This study explores the introduction of a Montessori approach into a rural community school in Malawi. It takes inspiration from Montessori’s early work in the first of her children’s houses and my own interpretation of her writings. The main research question is: How do we reconsider the Montessori method to support cultural collaboration and learning in a Malawian context? Applications of the elements of the dynamic triangle are explored and analysed, with respect to culturally specific pedagogical principles. A collaborative action research framework encompassing three action phases and three reflective phases was designed to enable collaboration and inclusivity. This approach facilitated the involvement of 11 teachers-researchers, 11 child-researchers and child participants. Reflexivity and reflection have played a key role in choosing and developing the research methods namely: observations; collaborative conversations; and photographs. The data analysis evolved in three steps: economical coding strategies, small note analysis, and a qualitative theme-based analysis. Teachers received training in key pedagogical principles combined with opportunities to experiment and reflect on practice. Application of the Montessori pedagogy supported the adaption of the prepared, temporal, social environment to fit with local practicalities and Malawian cultural influences. The findings illustrate what authentic Montessori education can mean in a Malawian cultural context. Analysis of the data highlights that children’s involvement and independence increase in a culturally influenced Montessori environment. Despite Montessori being an approach formed a century ago my findings indicate that it can be successfully implemented as a sustainable approach to education in contexts such as Malawi. The nature of this work relies on the collaboration between the trainer, the community, the teachers, and the children to redefine Montessori education and teacher training. A model is proposed for creating culturally responsive Montessori pedagogy and practice. Culture, reflection and teacher training draw together the three elements of the dynamic triangle to frame a culturally collaborative Montessori approach.
Language: English
Published: Cambride, England, 2021
Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)
A Experiência de Imaginação Histórica Docente, a Experiência de Imaginação Histórica Discente e o Aprendizado de História [The Experience of Teaching Historical Imagination, the Experience of Student Historical Imagination and the Learning of History]
Available from: Universidade Federal do Paraná
Juliano Mainardes Waiga (Author)
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Abstract/Notes: Resumo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar qual a relação entre a experiência de imaginação histórica docente, a experiência de imaginação histórica discente e o aprendizado de história. Para atingir esse objetivo, além da realização de uma revisão sistemática de literatura, foram desenvolvidos dois estudos. O estudo um, de caráter qualitativo, por meio do método microfenomenológico, possibilitou a caracterização da experiência de imaginação histórica docente e da experiência de imaginação histórica discente. O estudo dois, de caráter quantitativo, por meio do método de Pesquisa Intervenção, levou a um diagnóstico referente ao desempenho atingido por estudantes em dois contextos distintos: a) um contexto de ensino dialógico sem o engajamento imaginativo docente e b) um contexto de ensino por narrativas históricas imagináveis com o engajamento imaginativo docente. O estudo um teve como lócus investigativo uma sala de aula de 9º ano em uma escola da rede Waldorf. O estudo dois manteve a Escola Waldorf e acrescentou como lócus investigativo mais uma sala de aula de 9º ano de um colégio da rede Montessori. Os resultados quantitativos e qualitativos foram interpretados a partir de concepções atuacionistas sobre o funcionamento cognitivo. Adotou-se como fundamentação teórica estudos desenvolvidos por Francisco Varela e colaboradores, a abordagem collingwoodiana sobre a imaginação histórica e a adequação desse conceito para o contexto da sala de aula realizada por pesquisadores do ensino história como Vivienne Little, Peter Lee, Hilary Cooper, John Fines e Bodo Von Borries. Como resultado do percurso investigativo trilhado, concluiu-se que a relação entre a experiência de imaginação histórica docente e a experiência de imaginação histórica discente é de caráter intersubjetivo e influencia significativamente no aprendizado devido à existência de um entrelaçamento entre ambiente, corpos e mentes.
Language: Portuguese
Published: Curitiba, Brazil, 2024
The Initial Reception of the Montessori Method in the United States in the 1910's: The Birth and Influence of The Montessori Method / 1910年代アメリカにおけるモンテッソーリ教育受容 ― 英語版『モンテッソーリ・メソッド』の誕生とその影響 ―
Available from: Kobe College Institutional Repository
Mika Yonezu (Author)
Publication: Kobe College Studies / 神戸女学院大学論集, vol. 69, no. 1
Date: 2022
Pages: 93-110
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Abstract/Notes: CMS,Netcommons,Maple
Language: Japanese
Master's Thesis (M. Ed.)
El conocimiento de las madres, los padres o las personas encargadas sobre actividades de lenguaje con integración del método Montessori en el hogar para las niñas y los niños del nivel de andarines / Parents' Knowledge About Language Activities With Integration of the Montessori Method at Home for Toddlers
Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses
Audrey E. Rosa Castro (Author)
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Abstract/Notes: En Puerto Rico hay 31 ambientes de andarines públicos con el método Montessori. Atienden a las niñas y los niños desde que empiezan a caminar, o de 15 a 36 meses de edad. María Montessori (1967) planteó que, desde el nacimiento hasta los seis años, las niñas y los niños cuentan con una “mente absorbente” y atraviesan seis períodos sensibles que les permiten adquirir naturalmente habilidades y conocimientos a través de la interacción con el entorno que les rodea. Varias investigaciones apuntan a la influencia de las madres en los primeros años de vida de la niña o el niño y como podría resultar en un beneficio o rezago en el desarrollo del lenguaje (Conway et al. 2018; Hsin & Felfe, 2014; Woo, 2014). Esta investigación, también, aborda a los conocimientos de las madres, los padres u otras personas encargadas acerca de las actividades de lenguaje con integración del método Montessori. Se realizó una investigación con un diseño mixto convergente paralelo, utilizando el cuestionario titulado Conocimiento sobre actividades de lenguaje con integración del método Montessori en el hogar de niñas y niños andarines y una entrevista semiestructurada. El análisis de los datos se llevó a cabo con estadísticas descriptivas de la distribución de frecuencias de las respuestas a las preguntas del cuestionario y de las entrevistas, luego de codificarlas. De una población objetivo de 52 personas encargadas, 15 respondieron el cuestionario y 11 participaron en las entrevistas. Los hallazgos apuntaron a que las personas encargadas demostraron conocimiento sobre la importancia de la lectura y de hablar sobre la rutina de las actividades diarias. Sin embargo, identificaron la falta de tiempo, el costo de los materiales Montessori y la carencia de conocimiento sobre actividades de lenguaje con integración del método Montessori como limitaciones para integrarlo en sus hogares. En investigaciones futuras, se exhorta a continuar auscultando sobre la integración de la rutina y las actividades del método Montessori, el acceso a los medios y las pantallas electrónicas de las niñas y los niños andarines en sus hogares. Alternate abstract: In Puerto Rico there are 31 public toddler environments using the Montessori method. They serve children from around the time they start walking, or from 15 to 36 months of age. Maria Montessori (1967) proposed that, from birth to six years, girls and boys have an “absorbent mind” and go through six sensitive periods that allow them to acquire skills and knowledge through interaction with their environment naturally. Several investigations point to the influence of mothers in the first years of a child's life and how it could result in a benefit or delay in language development (Conway et al. 2018; Hsin & Felfe, 2014; Woo, 2014). This research also addresses parents' knowledge about language activities with the integration of the Montessori method. A research with a parallel convergent mixed design was conducted, using the questionnaire titled Conocimiento sobre actividades de lenguaje con integración del método Montessori en el hogar de niñas y niños andarines and a semi-structured interview was conducted. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics of the frequency distribution of the responses to the questionnaire and interview questions, after coding them. From a target population of 52 parents, 15 answered the questionnaire and 11 participated in the interviews. The findings indicated that parents demonstrated knowledge about the importance of reading and talking about the routine of daily activities. However, they identified lack of time, the cost of Montessori materials, and lack of knowledge about language activities with the Montessori method as limitations to integrating it in their homes. In future research, it is encouraged to continue to investigate the integration of the routine and activities of the Montessori method and the access to media and electronic screens of toddlers in their homes.
Language: Spanish
Published: Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, 2024