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Master's Thesis (M. Ed.)
El conocimiento de las madres, los padres o las personas encargadas sobre actividades de lenguaje con integración del método Montessori en el hogar para las niñas y los niños del nivel de andarines / Parents' Knowledge About Language Activities With Integration of the Montessori Method at Home for Toddlers
Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses
Audrey E. Rosa Castro (Author)
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Abstract/Notes: En Puerto Rico hay 31 ambientes de andarines públicos con el método Montessori. Atienden a las niñas y los niños desde que empiezan a caminar, o de 15 a 36 meses de edad. María Montessori (1967) planteó que, desde el nacimiento hasta los seis años, las niñas y los niños cuentan con una “mente absorbente” y atraviesan seis períodos sensibles que les permiten adquirir naturalmente habilidades y conocimientos a través de la interacción con el entorno que les rodea. Varias investigaciones apuntan a la influencia de las madres en los primeros años de vida de la niña o el niño y como podría resultar en un beneficio o rezago en el desarrollo del lenguaje (Conway et al. 2018; Hsin & Felfe, 2014; Woo, 2014). Esta investigación, también, aborda a los conocimientos de las madres, los padres u otras personas encargadas acerca de las actividades de lenguaje con integración del método Montessori. Se realizó una investigación con un diseño mixto convergente paralelo, utilizando el cuestionario titulado Conocimiento sobre actividades de lenguaje con integración del método Montessori en el hogar de niñas y niños andarines y una entrevista semiestructurada. El análisis de los datos se llevó a cabo con estadísticas descriptivas de la distribución de frecuencias de las respuestas a las preguntas del cuestionario y de las entrevistas, luego de codificarlas. De una población objetivo de 52 personas encargadas, 15 respondieron el cuestionario y 11 participaron en las entrevistas. Los hallazgos apuntaron a que las personas encargadas demostraron conocimiento sobre la importancia de la lectura y de hablar sobre la rutina de las actividades diarias. Sin embargo, identificaron la falta de tiempo, el costo de los materiales Montessori y la carencia de conocimiento sobre actividades de lenguaje con integración del método Montessori como limitaciones para integrarlo en sus hogares. En investigaciones futuras, se exhorta a continuar auscultando sobre la integración de la rutina y las actividades del método Montessori, el acceso a los medios y las pantallas electrónicas de las niñas y los niños andarines en sus hogares. Alternate abstract: In Puerto Rico there are 31 public toddler environments using the Montessori method. They serve children from around the time they start walking, or from 15 to 36 months of age. Maria Montessori (1967) proposed that, from birth to six years, girls and boys have an “absorbent mind” and go through six sensitive periods that allow them to acquire skills and knowledge through interaction with their environment naturally. Several investigations point to the influence of mothers in the first years of a child's life and how it could result in a benefit or delay in language development (Conway et al. 2018; Hsin & Felfe, 2014; Woo, 2014). This research also addresses parents' knowledge about language activities with the integration of the Montessori method. A research with a parallel convergent mixed design was conducted, using the questionnaire titled Conocimiento sobre actividades de lenguaje con integración del método Montessori en el hogar de niñas y niños andarines and a semi-structured interview was conducted. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics of the frequency distribution of the responses to the questionnaire and interview questions, after coding them. From a target population of 52 parents, 15 answered the questionnaire and 11 participated in the interviews. The findings indicated that parents demonstrated knowledge about the importance of reading and talking about the routine of daily activities. However, they identified lack of time, the cost of Montessori materials, and lack of knowledge about language activities with the Montessori method as limitations to integrating it in their homes. In future research, it is encouraged to continue to investigate the integration of the routine and activities of the Montessori method and the access to media and electronic screens of toddlers in their homes.
Language: Spanish
Published: Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, 2024
Book Section
La Influencia de Montessori en la Educación Mexicana
Available from: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos
Metztli Enríquez Ramírez (Author)
Book Title: Educación y pedagogía en México y América Latina: Retos y Desafíos
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Language: Spanish
Published: Mexico City, Mexico, 2024
Edition: 1st
ISBN: 978-607-8951-68-0
Pedagogía de Montessori Asociada a las Competencias Sensoriales en Estudiantes de Educación Inicial / Montessori Pedagogy Associated with Sensory Competencies in Early Education Students
Available from: Reincisol
Norma Celenita Sarzosa Herrera (Author) , María Lissety Zambrano Hernández (Author) , Yomira Denisse Cimarra Suárez (Author) , Enitt Rosalba Sarzosa Herrera (Author) , Sandra Cecivel Cedeño Briones (Author)
Publication: Reincisol, vol. 3, no. 6
Date: 2024
Pages: 3608-3623
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Abstract/Notes: This study explores the implementation of the Montessori method to strengthen sensory skills in early childhood education students in Ecuador; The research is based on the idea that sensory education is essential for the comprehensive development of the child and that the Montessori method offers an ideal pedagogical framework to achieve it; The results show that the application of Montessori materials and activities had a positive impact on the sensory development of students; Children showed greater interest and curiosity in exploring their environment, developing cognitive and motor skills more effectively; However, the study also reveals challenges such as lack of resources and teacher training; Despite this, the findings highlight the importance of sensory education and the relevance of the Montessori method in the Ecuadorian context; In addition, the results of this research underline the importance of sensory education in the early stages of child development and the effectiveness of the Montessori method to achieve it; However, it is essential that future research thoroughly explore the long-term impact of this method and its applicability in different contexts; In addition, it is recommended to strengthen teacher training and the availability of resources to ensure a successful implementation of the Montessori method in Ecuadorian schools.
Language: Spanish
DOI: 10.59282/reincisol.V3(6)3608-3623
ISSN: 2953-6421
El Alfabeto Montessori en el Proceso de Lectoescritura de Niños de 5 a 6 Años
Available from: 593 Digital Publisher CEIT
Gabriela Yagual-Cedeño (Author) , Cecilia Jara-Escobar (Author)
Publication: 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, vol. 8, no. 5
Date: 2023
Pages: 265-276
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Abstract/Notes: Literacy is a fundamental skill in the learning process of children, it allows them to communicate and express themselves effectively with the outside world. The search for new ways of teaching is essential to ensure effective learning. The Montessori method has gained popularity due to its innovative, exploratory, and experiential student-centered approach. This bibliographical-quantitative research, of a descriptive nature with a multidisciplinary approach to psychopedagogy, was carried out in an educational institution in Santa Elena-Ecuador, where a group of 40 children between the ages of 5 and 6 who were learning to read and write received classes using the Montessori alphabet as a teaching resource, every day during the last semester corresponding to the 2022-2023 school year. The results were collected through surveys addressed to the representatives before and after completing the process, likewise, the record of qualifications in the area of comprehension and oral and written expression was taken into consideration, as well as an interview with the teacher to find out her criteria regarding the experience. The data shows a significant improvement in terms of greater understanding of letter sounds and greater ability to form words with the m, p, and s phonemes. The findings are consistent with previous research in which this methodology achieves optimal results in literacy skills, this suggests that the use of the resource is an effective and beneficial alternative in this fundamental process.
Language: Spanish
DOI: 10.33386/593dp.2023.5.2012
ISSN: 2588-0705
Biopraxis del Niño y su Virtud Cósmica. Dos Asuntos Claves en el Pensamiento Montessori
Available from: Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
Omar Antonio Gonzalez Alzate (Author)
Publication: Revista Dialogus, no. 11
Date: Jun-Nov 2023
Pages: 119-133
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Abstract/Notes: Intimately in the academic community the name of María Montessori perfectly symbolizes the active school. Through the various imaginaries that people have about María Montessori, it is unavoidable to ask ourselves again: ¿What are the central ideas of her thought that should be linked in the current active school? For this purpose, a review and thematization of his categories is undertaken based on the reading of two of his works. Reading it again and separating its concepts allows us to find a Montessori that has not been fully explored, one that helps to clarify a bit of its questioned method. For this exercise, a selection of two works written by the author is made: The Absorbent Mind of the Child from 1949 and Education of Human Potentialities, a publication made in 1947. The thematization construct consists of separating the categories linked in the texts, specifically analyzing two issues that I consider important and problematic in the sense that they deserve to be questioned and discussed on this horizon. The first called Intelligence-Childhood as Montessorian biopraxis, where we review the intelligence-infant relationship; the second issue, called cosmic virtue, where we relate human imagination-potential. It is the purpose of this work to broaden and strengthen the horizons and perspectives on Montessori's conceptual contributions and in this way contribute to rethinking her work in the midst of the confusion and hubbub that her method has left. I think this could balance his legacy in due proportion.
Language: Spanish
DOI: 10.37594/dialogus.v1i11.809
ISSN: 2644-3996
Arquitectura Escolar y el Modelo Educativo Montessori desde la Mirada de la Niñez
Available from: Legado de Arquitectura y Diseño
Juan Manuel Lozano de Poo (Author) , Nuria Marcela d’Arbel-Castro (Author)
Publication: Legado de Arquitectura y Diseño, vol. 17, no. 32
Date: Jul-Dec 2022
Pages: 87-98
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Abstract/Notes: El entorno educativo es parte constitutiva deldesarrollo infantil. Representa una extensión de la casa natal en la cual también se desarrollan las nociones fundamentales de orientación espaciotemporal que guiarán a las personas a lo largo de su existencia. Es común que la configuración arquitectónica del sistema educativo Montessori sea el resultado de la adaptación de recintos que inicialmente fueron diseñados como casas habitación.Por lo tanto, el objetivo principal de este artículo es explicar la relación entre el espacio arquitectónico y el sistema Montessori desde la percepción espaciotemporal de la segunda infancia otorgándoles voz a niñas yniños. Este trabajo incorpora a la arquitectura a los debates sobre educación a partir de espacios habitables para la formación en la era de la información. Por otro lado, se hacen evidentes las implicaciones de la reutilización de casa para crear la dimensión física del entorno educativo Montessori. La metodología empleada permitió observar los patrones arquitectónicos en los tres principales colegios de este modelo en San Luis Potosí, México. Como resultado, se comprueba el supuesto de que la arquitectura que responde a las necesidades de la niñez a partir de los principios del método educativo Montessori potencializa su percepción y fortalece su desarrollo mediante las tres grandes categorías de estudio: consciencia, apropiación y juego.
Language: Spanish
DOI: 10.36677/legado.v17i32.16670
ISSN: 2448-749X
L’Ecuyer, C. (2020). Montessori ante el legado pedagógico de Rousseau. Polonia, Amazon, 353 pp. [book review]
Available from: University de Navarra
Ignasi de-Bofarull (Author)
Publication: Estudios sobre Educación, vol. 41
Date: 2021
Pages: 267-269
Enfoque Montessori como estrategia para la lectura [Montessori approach as a strategy for reading]
Available from: Fundacion Koinonia
Fanny Marisela Álvarez-Félix (Author)
Publication: Episteme Koinonia, vol. 7, no. 13
Date: 2024
Pages: 331-348
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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this article is to understand the essence of the Montessori approach as a strategy for reading in elementary school students. The methodology was based on a qualitative ethnographic approach, for which 5 teachers and 10 children acted as key informants. The techniques used were direct observation and interview. The instruments used were notebooks, a questionnaire with open-ended questions and recordings. The results highlighted the following emerging categories: solid mastery of fundamental reading skills, letter recognition, reading comprehension and progress in reading skills during the school year. This led to the conclusion that the Montessori approach is an essential strategy for creating an enriching environment that promotes maximum potential as readers and learners. / Este artículo tiene como propósito comprender la esencia del enfoque Montessori como estrategia para la lectura en estudiantes del nivel de primaria. La metodología se fundamentó en un enfoque cualitativo de tipo etnográfico, para lo cual se trabajó con 5 docentes y 10 niños quienes fungieron como informantes clave. Las técnicas empleadas fueron la observación directa y la entrevista. Como instrumentos, se emplearon los cuadernos de notas, el cuestionario de preguntas abiertas y las grabaciones. Como resultados resaltaron las siguientes categorías emergentes: dominio sólido de las habilidades fundamentales de la lectura, reconocimiento de letras, comprensión lectora y progreso en habilidades de lectura durante el año escolar. Esto permitió concluir que el enfoque Montessori constituye una estrategia esencial para crear un ambiente enriquecedor que promueve el máximo potencial como lectores y aprendices.
Language: Spanish
ISSN: 2665-0282
Celestina Vigneaux Cibils (1878-1964): Commitment to an Idea of School Conceived as a Home of Health and Culture for Everyone / Celestina Vigneaux Cibils (1878-1964): Compromisso com uma Ideia de Escola Concebida como uma Casa de Saúde e Cultura para Todos / Celestina Vigneaux Cibils (1878-1964): El Compromiso con una Idea de Escuela Concebida como un Hogar de Salud y Cultura para Todo el Mundo
Available from: Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Jordi Garcia Farrero (Author) , Raúl Navarro Zárate (Author)
Publication: Revista Brasileira de História da Educação / Revista Brasileña de Historia de la Educación, vol. 24
Date: 2024
Pages: Article e328 (20 p.)
Celestina Vigneaux Cibils - Biographic sources, Europe, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Southern Europe, Spain
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Abstract/Notes: En este artículo los autores se aproximan a la figura de Celestina Vigneaux (1878-1964) que forma parte de la primera generación del movimiento de la renovación pedagógica. Este estudio viene motivado por dos razones: de un lado, fue la maestra que introduzco las cantinas escolares como práctica higienista pero también educativa y cultural y, de otro, llevó a cabo el método de Maria Montessori en una escuela pública de la ciudad de Barcelona. Todo ello representa una oportunidad para recuperar la memoria histórica de una maestra con una formación y pensamiento pedagógico muy sólidos. Su nombre no puede cair en el olvido ni ser eclipsado por las trayectorias biográficas también interesantes de su marido (Pere Coromines) y alguno de sus hijos (Joan Coromines). Se trata, pues, de un estudio que se ha llevado a cabo a través de la hermenéutica de los principales textos publicados por parte de Celestina Vigneaux, los principales autores contemporáneos de dicha maestra y, por supuesto, obras referentes de la Historia de la Pedagogía catalana. / Neste artigo, os autores analisam a figura de Celestina Vigneaux (1878-1964), que fez parte da primeira geração do movimento de renovação pedagógica. Este estudo é motivado por duas razões: por um lado, ela foi a professora que introduziu as cantinas escolares como uma prática higienista, mas também educacional e cultural e, por outro, ela aplicou o método de Maria Montessori em uma escola pública na cidade de Barcelona. Tudo isso representa uma oportunidade de recuperar a memória histórica de uma professora com uma formação e um pensamento pedagógico muito sólidos. Seu nome não pode cair no esquecimento ou ser ofuscado pelas trajetórias biográficas igualmente interessantes de seu marido (Pere Coromines) e de alguns de seus filhos (Joan Coromines). Trata-se, portanto, de um estudo que foi realizado por meio da hermenêutica dos principais textos publicados por Celestina Vigneaux, dos principais autores contemporâneos dessa professora e, evidentemente, de obras de referência na História da Pedagogia Catalã. / In this article the authors approach the figure of Celestina Vigneaux (1878-1964) who is part of the first generation of the pedagogical renewal movement. This study is motivated by two reasons: on the one hand, she was the teacher who introduced school canteens as a hygienist but also educational and cultural practice and, on the other, she carried out Maria Montessori's method in a public school in the city of Barcelona. All of this represents an opportunity to recover the historical memory of a teacher with a very solid pedagogical training and thinking. Her name cannot fall into oblivion or be overshadowed by the equally interesting biographical trajectories of her husband (Pere Coromines) and some of her children (Joan Coromines). This is, therefore, a study that has been carried out through the hermeneutics of the main texts published by Celestina Vigneaux, the main contemporary authors of this teacher and, of course, reference works of the History of Catalan Pedagogy.
Language: Spanish
ISSN: 1519-5902, 2238-0094
Doctoral Dissertation
L'educazione Montessori nelle scuole primarie d'Italia. Indagine su alcuni apprendimenti disciplinari e caratteristiche socio-affettive di studentesse e studenti Montessori
Available from: Sapienza Università di Roma
Stefano Scippo (Author)
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Abstract/Notes: Montessori education was born in Italy more than a century ago and today it is widespread in at least 36 countries around the world. In Italy, from 2016 to 2021, the number of Montessori primary schools more than doubled. This explanatory and exploratory research is the most comprehensive evaluation of Montessori education ever conducted in Italy. We investigated: a) the impact of Montessori education on academic and socio-emotional outcomes; b) the profiles of Montessori primary school teachers and the extent to which they implemented Montessori education with fidelity. The longitudinal study on the academic outcomes was conducted on 2nd, 5th, 8th and 10th grade students in two separate cohorts. The results demonstrate that, depending on the grade and the cohort considered, Montessori students achieve similar or significantly higher scores than non-Montessori students. In some cases, they achieve more heterogeneous scores, especially in mathematics. More heterogeneous scores were expected according to the hypothesis that Montessori education aims to develop the characteristics of each one and not to standardize academic outcomes. The study on the socio-emotional outcomes was conducted on 8th grade students and it demonstrates that Montessori students achieve significantly higher scores on the empathy scale. The survey on the teachers permitted to delineate 3 different profiles of them, thanks to a cluster analysis. Only the first group of teachers, which made up half of the sample, managed to implement Montessori education with fidelity. These findings highlight two main requirements. The first is the need to continue monitoring and guiding the diffusion of Montessori education among Italian primary schools, to improve and maintain fidelity. The second concerns the reaffirmation of the value of educational practices and the principles of Montessori activism as possible answers that are still valid to the new needs of the Italian school.
Language: Italian, Spanish
Published: Roma, Italy, 2022