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Montessori Diffusion from Local to Global: AMI Journal, 2021-2024
Available from: Association Montessori Internationale
David Kahn (Editor) , Joke Verheul (Editor) , Paige M. Bray (Editor) , Renee Ergazos (Editor)
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Language: English
Published: Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Association Montessori Internationale, 2025
Maria Montessori: Her Thoughts and Her Beliefs for Today
Vickie Jacob (Author)
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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori, along with many other enlightened thinkers of our time, foresaw nothing less than the emergence of a new human culture. In Maria Montessori's time, hers was a futurist vision. She puts forth her vision in her books such as The Formation of Man, To Educate the Human Potential, and Education for a New World. Once we understand what is happening to education in the public schools, we begin to wonder if this endless nightmare will have some light shed later on down the road, not in just knowing about the Montessori schools but the bigger problem of the system that has been implemented today. When the government attempts to impose a set of values, it will always countermand some parents' authority and often ignites a “school war.” America was founded and built on God's principles, and over a hundred fifty years’ experience shows that we cannot have a society that is both free and peaceful when legislators use schools to shape attitudes or control the content of students' minds. These wars are over whose values are being taught. We're seeing a system that has too many cracks in it to be fixed. Is God speaking to America? Perhaps, because our watchmen have gone to sleep. About the Author A mother of three children and four grandchildren, Vickie Jacobs is retired and spends much of her time with gardening, ducks, chickens, and many dogs. Raising children brought her into contact with educators and seeing a lot of changes since her own school days. Vickie is very grateful to her husband and family, who encouraged her with this work.
Language: English
Published: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Dorrance Publishing, 2024
ISBN: 9798893416305
Una vita per educare, tra arte e socialità: Alessandro Marcucci (1876-1968)
Giovanna Alatri (Author)
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Language: Italian
Published: Milano, Italy: Unicopli, 2006
ISBN: 978-88-400-1089-2
Series: Storia sociale dell'educazione , 17
Maria Montessori aux USA
Murielle Lefebvre (Author)
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Language: French
Published: Les Sables D'Olonne, France, 2022
ISBN: 978-2-9585803-0-8
Les 4 albums Montessori : langage, mathématiques, vie pratique et vie sensorielle: Les leçons Montessori illustrées, niveau 3-6 ans
Murielle Lefebvre (Author)
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Abstract/Notes: Une version 2019 de chaque album révisée de A à Z ! Les leçons de la méthode pédagogique Montessori étaient inaccessibles jusqu'à ce que nous décidions de les publier. Durant plusieurs années, nous les avons imprimées et expédiées nous-mêmes puis l'idée d'utiliser l'impression à la demande couplée à la diffusion par Amazon, nous a permise de franchir un pas plus grand vers l'accessibilité de cet outil à tous. Murielle LEFEBVRE est consultante pédagogique, formatrice et éducatrice depuis vingt années. Elle est l'auteure de plusieurs publications éducatives et veille à proposer de nouvelles versions pertinentes pour accompagner chacun dans la découverte ou le perfectionnement de cette pédagogie. Les albums des leçons Montessori ont déjà permis à plusieurs milliers de personnes motivées par cette méthode de pouvoir s’en imprégner. Cette dernière édition regroupe toutes les leçons des quatre albums dans un seul volume et nous le proposons à un prix réduit : 4 albums pour le prix de 3 !
Language: French
ISBN: 978-1-5169-3870-4
La pédagogie Montessori illustrée, édition luxe
Murielle Lefebvre (Author)
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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori a laissé un immense héritage : sa pédagogie. Cette femme célèbre (Maria Montessori a été nominée trois fois pour le prix Nobel de la paix en 1949/50/51 et a reçu la légion d’honneur française le 6 décembre 1949) du XXème siècle (et elles ne sont pas nombreuses) a théorisé les principes d’éducation des enfants avec une efficacité inédite. Madame Montessori a eu un génie particulier pour observer les enfants tels qu’ils sont réellement plutôt que de les voir comme les adultes souhaiteraient qu’ils soient. Pourquoi cet ouvrage ? Hélas, si la pédagogie Montessori bénéficie d’un large rayonnement dans le monde anglo-saxon, ce n’est pas encore le cas dans la sphère francophone… Le but de ce livre est donc de faire connaître les bases de cet enseignement et les raisons profondes de ses avantages. Il faut savoir que la pédagogie Montessori est la seule qui soit répandue dans le monde entier et perdure. Il serait dommage de ne pas faire profiter les enfants francophones de cette démarche aux résultats prouvés. Qui doit lire ce livre ? Les parents, les professionnels de l’enfance, les adultes concernés par l’Enfant ! En effet, ce sont eux qui peuvent faire changer les choses et qui ont une influence réelle sur les conditions d’apprentissage de chaque enfant. Pour faciliter l’éducation, on ne peut se contenter de programmes scolaires dits traditionnels. La pédagogie Montessori vous aide à accompagner efficacement l’enfant pendant les périodes sensibles de son développement. Ce que vous allez y trouver… À travers ce livre, je souhaite vous faire découvrir ou approfondir la pédagogie de Maria Montessori. Je l’ai croisée en 1993 dans ma vie par hasard (en était-ce un ?) et depuis je suis sur un chemin qui m’amène à construire, rencontrer, servir l’enfance. Chaque jour des enfants et des adultes me soutiennent dans leur émotion et joie à manipuler le matériel et découvrir par eux-mêmes. Je tiens à pratiquer au quotidien avec l’enfant car c’est lui qui a guidé Maria et qui me guide aujourd’hui. Former des adultes est complémentaire de ma pratique car c’est aussi grâce aux questionnements des autres que l’on répond à ses propres recherches. Je me nourris de ces contacts humains et de la pensée de Maria car mon parcours est encore long. Ce livre fait partie de cette démarche. Je l’ai rédigé avec beaucoup d’application et d’honnêteté, je vous remercie d’en tolérer les imperfections. Dans cet ouvrage, certains paragraphes seront en italique et exprimeront ainsi ma propre expérience ou un éclairage personnel concret de cette pédagogie, d’autres seront en caractères gras pour mettre en emphase les idées clés. Les premiers chapitres sont essentiels à comprendre l’essence de la pédagogie de Maria Montessori. Parfois j’ai utilisé les néologismes « montessori » et « montessorien » comme adjectifs, vous m’en excuserez. Le chapitre « témoignages » ne regroupe que quelques acteurs du monde « montessorien », ils sont plus nombreux dans la réalité.
Language: French
ISBN: 978-1-4895-4699-9
Montessori pour les bébés: La pédagogie Montessori pour les enfants de 0 à 3 ans
Murielle Lefebvre (Author) , Alain Lefebvre (Contributor) , Quentin Lefebvre (Contributor) , Bernadette Moussy (Contributor)
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Abstract/Notes: Tout comme Maria Montessori, je suis arrivée à comprendre l’importance de l’éducation dès la naissance. C'est après avoir rencontré le monde montessorien des petits enfants en âge scolaire en France, c’est-à-dire dès 3 ans, puis celui des enfants et adolescents, que j'ai réalisé cet enjeu. Les belles rencontres de la vie m’ont appris sur le métier d’éducateur de jeunes enfants, sur la bientraitance et les relations d’accompagnement du bébé dans son développement psycho-sensori-moteur. J’ai pu visiter des Nidos (lieux d’accueil d’enfants avant l’âge de 18 mois), assister à des ateliers d’éveil (lieux d'accueil Montessoriens) avec ou sans parents et j’ai été fascinée par le bébé et toutes ses prouesses. Répétons que c’est une des rares pédagogies à proposer une démarche éducative au bébé dès sa naissance. Un être s’éveille dès sa venue au monde, prenons soin de lui dès cet instant. Par ce livre, je souhaite partager avec un large public non seulement les aspects concrets mais aussi les fondamentaux d’une pédagogie humaniste envers les bébés. Le ton didactique est une déformation professionnelle, puisque je suis l’heureuse formatrice à cette pédagogie. Cependant, j’ai souhaité cet ouvrage plus ludique. Il ne s’agit pas d’un roman mais d’une synthèse présentée sous forme de chapitres et de paragraphes à thème. Tout comme Maria Montessori, je n’ai pas la prétention d’écrire ni de divertir mais de transmettre. Vous avez la possibilité de lire un chapitre avant l’autre selon votre inspiration. Ce livre a pour ressource principale, des centaines de posts d’un blog, publiés durant plus de quatre années :, que je vous invite à aller visiter pour des compléments d’informations. En première partie du livre, nous allons reprendre les fondamentaux de la pédagogie Montessori. Nous aborderons le bébé sous l’aspect holistique : après l’aspect physiologique nous nous intéresserons au développement de ses sens, son rythme de vie, ses émotions. En deuxième partie, nous vous proposons de suivre l’éveil du bébé, au fil des mois, avec beaucoup d’illustrations. Enfin, la troisième partie porte sur les apports complémentaires de Emmi PIKLER à la pédagogie Montessori.
Language: French
ISBN: 978-1-4927-2756-9
The Tao of Montessori: Reflections on Compassionate Teaching
Catherine McTamaney (Author)
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Abstract/Notes: "If, like some, you regret that Montessori too rarely in her writings appreciated the humanity of teachers-their creativity, their curiosity, their doubts-this book stands as the perfect complement." Evocative and unique, The Tao of Montessori offers a quiet balance to the noisy demands of teaching and parenting through a special blend of encouraging verse. Award-winning Montessori teacher Catherine McTamaney revisits the eighty-one verses of Lao-tzu's Tao Te Ching and relates them to the life and work of teachers, parents, and children. Originally meant to remind rather than direct and to show the way toward natural harmony in the world around and within us, Lao-tzu's verses find a new meaning through McTamaney's skillful mixture of spirituality and education. Take a moment to read a single stanza, then put it aside and muse upon its meaning. By revisiting one verse each day, you can relate its images to your life as a teacher, parent, or child. Whether you are familiar with the writings of Lao-tzu or are simply ready to explore a refreshingly contemplative perspective on children and teachers, The Tao of Montessori is a profound work of intellectual stimulation.
Language: English
Published: Bloomington, Indiana: iUniverse, 2007
ISBN: 978-1-58348-298-8 1-58348-298-9
A Memoir of an Educational Biographer: Gerald Gutek's Reflections on the Historical and Continuing Value of a Unique Craft
Gerald L. Gutek (Author)
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Abstract/Notes: In his interdisciplinary memoir, Gerald Gutek applies history and philosophy of education to educational biography. The author was guided by his focusing goals of exploring his path to becoming an educational biographer and working generalizations with his colleagues in the field. Gutek’s narrative begins with the author’s childhood experiences that inclined him to a career in education, followed by chapters on his doctoral program in the College of Education at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana; his teaching of history and philosophy and education in the School of Education at Loyola University Chicago; his research and writing of biographies of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi and Joseph Neef and his textbook, Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Education: a Biographical Introduction; and issues and strategies in writing about Maria Montessori. Throughout the book, Gutek analyzes concepts and applications he developed as an educational biographer such as parallel biographies, slice of life writing, reconsidering overlooked and understudied educators, and the role of place and space in telling life stories. ENDORSEMENTS: "Readers both new to educational biography or familiar with the discipline will find a valuable account of the author’s long and varied career as a biographer. From his childhood memory of listening to neighbors’ stories in his grandfather’s grocery store, to encounters with the important teachers in his life, Gutek brings his own story to life. As he recounts the influences on his personal intellectual history and the processes of his research and writing, readers gain valuable insights into the methods of an experienced educational biographer." — Larry Prochner, University of Alberta "For fifty years Gerald Gutek has been and remains one of the seminal and leading voices in the field of educational biography; thus it only makes sense for him to create something new: an intellectual memoir. From his work on Counts in 1970 to his work on Montessori (2016) and her acolytes in the US (2020)--Gutek has reliably bridged the worlds of educational history, educational biography, and philosophical foundations of education; this work cements his legacy. Gutek skillfully interweaves personal and family history with movements in educational history both formal and informal, then explains how these impacted his thinking and writing. Throughout this eminently readable memoir, Gutek also includes political and historical context without engaging in divisiveness. Scholars of life writing should give this a close reading, as Gutek sprinkles nuggets of methodological brilliance throughout the manuscript. Junior scholars would do well to read Gutek’s more substantive sections on the methods used to write each of his books; it is the academic equivalent of Master Class in textual form." — Ed Janak, University of Toledo
Language: English
Published: Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age, 2024
ISBN: 9798887307817
Montessori in Contemporary Culture
Heather Gerker (Editor) , Carey Jones (Editor)
Americas, Montessori method of education, North America
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Abstract/Notes: For six and a half decades, the American Montessori Society (AMS) has been at the forefront of Montessori education, dedicated to empowering educators and students through Montessori philosophy and practice. Our commitment to fostering a world where Montessori principles enrich the lives of children and their families has guided our work globally. This book, Montessori in Contemporary American Culture, invites you to explore the evolution and impact of Montessori education, offering insights and guidance for today and the future. Over the decades, AMS has evolved to address the changing needs of the Montessori community, establishing robust systems and commissions to uphold high standards for schools and teacher education programs. These initiatives include creating comprehensive accreditation and affiliation processes, developing professional development opportunities, establishing an international annual conference, and advocating for research to support Montessori pedagogy. Through the spirit of volunteerism and the dedicated work of those whose shoulders we stand, AMS remains a trusted pillar of support, communication, standard-bearer, and advancement for the Montessori Movement. We strive to ensure the Montessori pedagogy's relevance and impact in the modern educational landscape while protecting the integrity and essentials of the methodology. Today, AMS has grown to support over 22,000 members worldwide, including educators, teacher education programs, and schools, indirectly enriching the lives of countless children and families. The chapters in this book delve into various timely topics pertinent to 2024 and beyond, echoing themes of growth, innovation, and social responsibility. They cover the foundational principles of Montessori, AMS's historical evolution, and the importance of materials and the learning environment. The chapters also explore teacher training globally, the integration of Montessori in public schools, sustainability, social justice, parent engagement, public policy and advocacy, the balance between tradition and technology, and the future of Montessori education.As you journey through this book, we hope you take away valuable insights and inspiration for your educational pursuits, empowering you to create meaningful and lasting impact in the communities you serve. We invite you to build upon this scholarship by engaging others in dialogue, advocating for Montessori education within broader educational and policy frameworks, and contributing your own research and insights. You will discover the collective conclusion from the authors of these chapters, which is that the essence of Montessori education lies in the social and psychological environment created for learners and their community rather than in the Method's more visible and unique artifacts. We encourage you to think critically and as you read, and to engage deeply (both personally and with your wider Montessori community) with the discussion questions that end each chapter. Montessori education has the potential to drive positive changes in our world, and you play an essential role in its continued growth and legitimacy. Embark on this journey with us, and let the power of Montessori education inspire you to make a difference. Together, we can cultivate a world where every child thrives in a nurturing and empowering educational environment.
Language: English
Published: New York, New York: American Montessori Society, 2024
ISBN: 9798350974898