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Conference Paper
Digital Marketing Strategies to Enhance Brand Awareness and Consumer Interest: A Case Study on Early Childhood Education Institutions
Available from: ADPEBI Publishing
Insany Sabarine (Author)
International Conference of Economics, Management, Accounting and Technopreneur (ICEMAT)
Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Marketing
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Abstract/Notes: The increasing competition and diverse educational methods within the early childhood education sector necessitate innovative approaches to educate the market and attract enrollment. Digital marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for institutions to enhance brand awareness, engage with potential parents, and boost enrollment rates. This study aims to analyze the impact of digital marketing strategies on brand awareness and consumer interest, focusing on Early Childhood Education institutions. Using a qualitative research approach, this study analyzes internal data and relevant literature to assess the effectiveness of digital marketing tactics such as social media, digital advertising, and SEO. The findings reveal that implementing these strategies has significantly enhanced brand visibility, increased consumer engagement, and substantially increased program enrollment. This research underscores the critical role of digital marketing in boosting brand awareness, attracting potential customers, and ultimately fostering growth within the early childhood education sector.
Language: English
Published: Jogjakarta, Indonesia: ADPEBI, 2024
Pages: 1-12
Conference Paper
The Impact of Cosmic Education on Preschool-Aged Children's Vocabulary Enrichment
Available from: Juraj Dobrila University (Croatia)
Vendi Franc (Author) , Martina Skoko (Author) , Božica Vuić (Author)
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija 20. Dani Mate Demarina - Različitost i interdisciplinarnost u odgoju i obrazovanju
Cosmic education, Montessori method of education
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Abstract/Notes: Although cosmic education, as part of the Montessori pedagogy, is extremely important, very little is known about it. Cosmic education implies acceptance, understanding and respect of every person regardless of race, religion or ethnicity. Even though cosmic education is present in all areas of the Montessori pedagogy, it has been noticed that preschool-aged children show the most interest in exercises and activities related to botany and geography. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to describe the way in which various activities which children show great interest in, and which are related to cosmic education are carried out in the Montessori program. The paper also presents the research results, which confirm the connection between cosmic education and the enrichment of preschool-aged children’s vocabulary.;
Language: English
Published: Pula, Croatia: Juraj Dobrila University, 2024
Pages: 103-119
ISBN: 978-953-377-040-6
Conference Paper
Analyzing the distribution of STEM-STEAM-STREAM and Montessori pedagogy centers in Ukraine
Available from: CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Iryna A. Slipukhina (Author) , Arkadiy P. Polishchuk (Author) , Sergii M. Mieniailov (Author) , Oleh P. Opolonets (Author) , Taras V. Soloviov (Author) , Arnold E. Kiv (Editor) , Serhiy O. Semerikov (Editor) , Andrii M. Striuk (Editor)
11th Illia O. Teplytskyi Workshop on Computer Simulation in Education 2024
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Abstract/Notes: The authors of this paper have analyzed the distribution of educational institutions in Ukraine that use the STEM-STEAM-STREAMapproachandmethodologicaltoolsofM.Montessoripedagogy. TheauthorsusedGoogle Maps to search, identify and quantitatively analyze the distribution of these institutions. The results of data processing are presented in the form of author’s maps and diagrams, which indicate the number of Montessori pedagogy centers and STEM-STEAM-STREAM training centers for each region. The authors also analyzed the content and organization of some Montessori centers in Ukraine based on the data of the official websites of educational institutions. The authors used the method of Gartner Hype Cycle to obtain a conclusion about the state of development of pedagogical technologies. Comparison of the principles of pedagogy M. Montessori and STEM approach to education reveals many common didactic features based on the ideas of constructivism in education. In particular, the authors note the features of active interaction of subjects of the educational process, the development of curiosity, change of the teacher functions.
Language: English
Published: Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine: CEUR, May 15, 2024
Pages: 25-36
Conference Paper
Combining Montessori Pedagogy and Computing Education: First Insights from a Systematic Literature Review
Available from: ACM Digital Library
Luisa Greifenstein (Author) , Adrian Hanusch (Author)
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Abstract/Notes: Montessori pedagogy has a comparatively long tradition of more than 100 years while CS education still is an innovative and future-oriented discipline. Montessori pedagogy is in particular known for its material and accompanying methods, criteria and learning theory. A combination with CS education could therefore advance it towards creating material that allows for self-empowerment of learners in a constructionist way that is also prevalent in current CS education and its research. We therefore conducted a systematic literature review and identified 34 papers. First results show that there is a focus on programming and while all educational levels are included, there is a slight tendency towards primary school education. When looking at the specific mentions of the Montessori pedagogy, it is mostly used as a source of inspiration for, for example, creating CS teaching material. Within the results, first conclusions are drawn and finally, future work is suggested.
Language: English
Published: New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, Sep 16, 2024
Pages: 2 p.
ISBN: 9798400710056
Conference Paper
Jak przygotowane otoczenie rośnie razem z dzieckiem w drugiej płaszczyźnie rozwojowej [How the prepared environment grows with the child in the second developmental plane]
Available from: University of Gdańsk
Jarosław Jendza (Author)
Konferecja Polskie Dni Montessori "Dziecko w wielowymiarowej przestrzeni" (May 17-19, 2024, Łódź, Poland) [Polish Montessori Days conference "Child in multidimensional space" (May 17-19, 2024, Łódź, Poland)]
Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Prepared environment
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Abstract/Notes: The prepared environment is one of the most important concepts of Maria Montessori's pedagogy and is generally considered in the context of the first developmental plane, that is, the time from birth to the child's completion of pre-school education. The interest in the prepared environment precisely at this stage of the child's educational development should not be surprising. If one accepts Maria Montessori's hypothesis about the specific property of the child, which she called a receptive mind, then the prepared environment is of colossal importance, both in its psycho-dynamic, personal and material layers. The lecture discussed the metamorphoses of the second developmental plane, the period between the sixth and twelfth years of a child's life, in the context of the need to modify and extend what we call the prepared environment. We now know quite a lot about the transformations in the instruments with which children explore and learn about the world during the successive developmental stages. We have extensive knowledge of changing developmental needs and therefore it is useful to consider how the prepared environment changes as the child develops. Special attention was given to Montessorian field trips as a distinctive and integral formula for learning outside the school building in this approach. In this context, the orientation of outdoor education and Montessori's proposals in this area were also reflected upon. Montessorian going outdoors is an integral part of what is referred to in this pedagogy as space education. The lecture also defines the most important objectives guiding this pedagogical form and will try to highlight the integral elements of the Montessorian field trip, especially before and after the field trip, we will analyse the role of the adult accompanying the children in this activity. / Przygotowane otoczenie jest jednym z najważniejszych pojęć pedagogiki Marii Montessori i na ogół rozpatrywane jest w kontekście pierwszej płaszczyzny rozwojowej, to znaczy czasu od urodzenia do zakończenia przez dziecko edukacji przedszkolnej. Zainteresowanie przygotowanym otoczeniem właśnie w na tym etapie rozwoju edukacji dziecka nie powinno dziwić. Jeśli przyjąć hipotezę Marii Montessori o specyficznej właściwości dziecka, którą nazywała ona chłonnym umysłem, kolosalne znaczenie ma właśnie przygotowane otoczenie, i to zarówno w warstwie psycho-dynamicznej, jak i osobowej oraz materialnej. W trakcie wykładu omówiono metamorfozy drugiej płaszczyzny rozwojowej, czyli okresu pomiędzy szóstym a dwunastym rokiem życia dziecka, w kontekście konieczności modyfikacji i rozszerzenia tego, co nazywamy przygotowanym otoczeniem. Wiemy dziś sporo o przemianach w zakresie instrumentów, jakimi dzieci eksplorują i poznają świat w kolejnych etapach rozwojowych. Mamy rozległą wiedzę na temat zmiany potrzeb rozwojowych i dlatego warto zastanowić się, jak przygotowane otoczenie zmienia się wraz z rozwojem dziecka. Szczególnej uwadze poświęcono montessoriańskie wyjście w teren jako charakterystyczną i integralną dla tego podejścia formułę uczenia się poza budynkiem szkoły. W tym kontekście refleksji poddano także orientacje edukacji na świeżym powietrzu i propozycji Montessori w tym zakresie. Montessoriańskie wyjście w teren stanowi integralny element tego, co określa się w tej pedagogii jako edukacja kosmiczna. W trakcie wykładu zdefiniowano również najważniejsze cele przyświecające tej formie pedagogicznej, a także spróbujemy zwrócić uwagę na integralne elementy montessoriańskiego wyjścia w teren, zwłaszcza przed i po owym wyjściu, analizie poddamy rolę osoby dorosłej towarzyszącej dzieciom w tej aktywności.
Language: English
Published: Lodz, Poland, 2024
Conference Paper
Moveable Alipbi: A Montessori-inspired Design of Long-Term Child-Robot Interaction for Early Literacy Development
Available from: ACM Digital Library
Nurziya Oralbayeva (Author) , Aida Zhanatkyzy (Author) , Aida Amir (Author) , Zhansaule Telisheva (Author) , Anara Sandygulova (Author)
Asia, Central Asia, Information and communications technology (ICT), Kazakhstan, Language acquisition, Language development, Language education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Technology and children
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Abstract/Notes: Children's early literacy skills tend to unfold given the specially designed environment and learning activities. In light of Kazakhstan's ongoing alphabet shift from Cyrillic to Latin, many challenges arise for early literacy development and acquisition of the new script. Human-robot interaction (HRI) research provides a unique venue for the integration of social robots into language learning, while the Montessori method with a century-long hisory offers autonomous, selfdirected, and collaborative learning space. Combining these areas, we propose a robotic system named Moveable Älıpbi, designed to help boost children's motivation in learning the new script in long-term interaction. We detail the system's interaction design life cycle from understanding users to designing and implementing robot behaviors followed by evaluating with pilot participants.
Language: English
Published: New York, New York: Association for Computing Machinery, June 17, 2024
Pages: 587–599
ISBN: 9798400704420
Conference Paper
Designing Inclusive Play Experience
Available from: International Academic Forum (IAFOR)
Tin-Man Lau (Author)
The 4th IAFOR International Conference on Arts & Humanities (Hawaii, 3-7 January 2024)
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Abstract/Notes: Play is essential to everyone, while it is often misperceived as a waste of time. Maria Montessori, who started the Montessori school in 1907, believed that play could be used for children to learn naturally and play was the work of the child. Play is unarguably vital to children's development. However, play is a necessity for all people of all ages. Well-designed play experiences can bring different benefits to the players physically, cognitively, emotionally, and socially, regardless of the players' ages and abilities. Studies show that those who continue to play even in adult life most likely live healthier, while those who ignore playing or are deprived of playing may negatively impact their lives. Inclusive playground is not a new subject, but more often than not, it is focused on providing play experiences with adjustments to play equipment to include children with disabilities. Through applied research and the development of a systematic design approach, this paper attempts to expand the inclusiveness so that the majority of people can enjoy equitable play experience regardless of their condition and age. Through research, exploration, and development of play experiences with playground equipment and site amenities, we hope that would bring benefits of play to the users. The importance of play for all will first be discussed. Then, the design approach evolved from several design classes in developing an inclusive play experience for a broader range of users through collaborating with the industry for the play and recreation market will be introduced.
Language: English
Published: Hawaii, United States: International Academic Forum (IAFOR), 2024
Pages: 439-448
Conference Paper
Beşeri̇ Sermayeni̇n Alternati̇f Eği̇ti̇mle İli̇şki̇si̇: Okul Öncesi̇ Montessori̇ Eği̇ti̇mi̇ Örneği̇ / the Relationship of Human Capital with Alternative Education: The Example of Preschool Montessori Education
Available from: Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University - Institutional Repository
İrem Savci Köroğlu (Author) , Gökçe Cerev (Author) , Doğa Başar Sarii̇pek (Editor)
International Palandoken Scientific Studies Congress (5th, 18-19 March 2023 Erzurum, Turkey)
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Abstract/Notes: Human capital is very important as it reflects the knowledge and skills that individuals acquire in order to increase their value and productivity. In this context, the most important factor affecting human capital is education. Many issues such as the increase in the quality of education, visionary education planning, and the improvement of technology-based education opportunities enable the direct reflection of education input on individual output. In particular, pre-school education draws attention as a type of preliminary education that increases the quality of education provided in educational institutions in a country. The Montessori Method, which is one of the alternative education programs applied in the preschool period, aims to equip children with different abilities than adults, and their development is supported through problem solving, communication and using their creativity with the freedom to make choices in an environment that ensures children's independence. The main element that makes Montessori education valuable is the environment it creates and the educational content it implements, as well as its approach to being an individual from an early age. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of education on human capital in the context of alternative preschool approaches in the context of Montessori Method. The study is important because it will contribute to the literature from the approach of the effects of alternative education methods on human capital. In the study, in-depth literature analysis was made from primary sources and the data obtained were interpreted with descriptive analysis method. In the study, it has been concluded that the development of human capital will be qualitatively positive by increasing the level of education and the Montessori Method, which is based on the approach to the cognitive, social and emotional development of the individual, will be effective on human capital. / Beşeri sermaye, bireyin değerlerini ve verimliliğini artırmak amacıyla kazandıkları bilgi ve becerileri yansıtması bakımından oldukça önemlidir. Beşeri sermaye üzerinde etkili olan önemli faktörlerden biriside eğitimdir. Eğitimdeki kalite artışı, eğitim planlaması, teknolojiye dayalı eğitim olanaklarının iyileştirilmesi gibi birçok konu eğitim girdisinin birey çıktısına doğrudan yansımasına yardımcı olmaktadır. Özellikle okul öncesi eğitim, bir ülkedeki eğitim kurumlarında verilen eğitimin niteliğini artırıcı bir ön eğitim türü olarak dikkat çekmektedir. Okul öncesi dönemde uygulanan alternatif eğitim programlarından biri olan Montessori Yönteminde çocukların yetişkinlerden farklı yeteneklerle donatılması amaçlanmakta ve çocukların bağımsızlığını sağlayan bir ortamda seçim yapma özgürlüğüyle birlikte problem çözme, iletişim kurma ve yaratıcılığını kullanma yoluyla gelişimleri desteklenmektedir. Montessori eğitiminin önemini artıran temel unsur, yarattığı ortam ve uyguladığı eğitim içeriğiyle birlikte erken yaştan itibaren birey olmaya yönelik ortaya koyduğu yaklaşımdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı beşeri sermayede eğitimin etkisini okul öncesi alternatif yaklaşımlar bağlamında Montessori Yöntemi özelinde incelemektir. Çalışma literatüre alternatif eğitim yöntemlerinin beşeri sermaye üzerindeki etkileri ve kazanımları yönünden katkı sağlayacağı için önem arz etmektedir. Çalışmada birincil kaynaklardan derinlemesine literatür analizi yapılarak, elde edilen veriler betimsel analiz yöntemiyle yorumlanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda beşeri sermayenin gelişiminin eğitim seviyesinin artırılmasıyla niteliksel olarak olumlu yönde sağlanacağı ve bireyin bilişsel, sosyal ve duygusal kazanımlarına yönelik yaklaşımı esas alan Montessori Yönteminin beşeri sermaye üzerinde etkili olacağı değerlendirilmiştir.
Language: Turkish
Published: Erzurum, Turkey: International Science and Art Research Center (ISARC), 2023
Pages: 13-26
ISBN: 978-625-367-014-6
Conference Paper
Social Development in Preschool Age Through the Montessori Pedagogy / Социалното развитие в предучилищна възраст през погледа на Монтесори педагогиката
Available from: University of Sofia (Bulgaria)
Desislava Stoeva (Author)
Education and Arts: Traditions and Perspectives – Fourth scientific and practical conference / Образование И Изкуства: Традиции И Перспективи – Четвърта научно-практическа конференция с международно участие
, Modern school movement - Criticism, interpretation, etc.
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Abstract/Notes: This paper presents the socialization in preschool-age according to Montessori pedagogy and emphasizes the three elements – the favorable environment, the prepared teacher and the child. It describes the child’s path towards socialization and how he/she builds his/her sense of community, by focusing on the absorbent mind, sensitive periods, movement, concentration, the development of willpower, character and intelligence, the process of normalization, and formation of self-discipline. / В настоящия доклад се представят характеристиката и спецификата на социализацията в предучилищна възраст през погледа на Монтесори педагогиката. В него се акцентира върху трите елемента – подкрепяща среда, подготвен учител и дете. Описва се пътят, по който детето преминава в своята социализация и как изгражда чувството си за общност – започвайки от характеристиките на попиващия ум, сензитивните/чувствителните периоди, движението, концентрацията, нормализацията, изграждането на волята, характера, интелигентността и самодисциплината.
Language: Bulgarian
Published: Sofia, Bulgaria: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2023
Pages: 198-204
ISBN: 978-954-07-5061-3
Conference Paper
Effects of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators on Reading Retention in Montessori and Traditional Students
Available from: AERA Online Paper Repository
Amanda M. Mason (Author) , Corinne Zimmerman (Author) , Nicole L. Gilson (Author)
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (2010, Denver, Colorado
Comparative education, Montessori method of education, Motivation (Psychology)
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Abstract/Notes: The current study addresses whether the type of motivator students receive while reading and the school program they attend influences reading retention. Fifth-graders were randomly assigned to read text passages within a context of either intrinsic (learn for fun) or extrinsic (learn to receive a prize) motivators. Retention of the text passage was measured immediately and after a one-week delay. Changes in story recall scores varied as a function of both program type (traditional vs. Montessori) and experimental motivator. Improvement in performance after delay was only evident for Montessori students provided with an intrinsic motivator. The results illuminate how the type of pedagogy and academic motivators a student has been exposed to influence how students approach learning.
Language: English
Published: Washington, D.C.: American Educational Research Association, 2010