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Rechenhilfsmittel [Arithmetic tools]
Maria Montessori (Inventor)
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Abstract/Notes: Patent.
Language: German
Date of issue: 1932-02-13
Hilfsmittel zur Ausfuehrung von Multiplikationen [Tools for performing multiplications]
Maria Montessori (Inventor)
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Abstract/Notes: Patent.
Language: German
Date of issue: 1932-01-30
Device for teaching young children elementary mathematics
Maria Montessori (Inventor)
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Abstract/Notes: This invention relates to a device for teaching young children elementary mathematics. For this purpose I provide a number of strips of paper of varying widths (preferably four such strips) having oii one side numbers and on the other side an adhesive surface. The narrowest strip contains the figure 1 repeated one below the other throughout the strip. The next the figure 10, the next the figure 100, the next the figure 1000 and so on as may be required. Preferably the strips of paper are wound on spools or reels differing only in that their width corresponds to the width of the paper strips. The spools or reels may if desired be threaded upon a common centre-piece. The strips may be all of the same colour or of different colours. By means of such strips it is possible to teach young children quite easily simple addition of two or more numbers by building up tne said numbers by cutting off the requisite pieces of the strips and pasting them on to a book or other surface and adding up the result. Similarly it is possible to teach simple subtraction by teaching the children first to build up the larger number out of pieces of the strips and then to take away pieces corresponding to the smaller number.
Language: English
Date of issue: 1930-06-12
Device for teaching young children elementary multiplication
Maria Montessori (Inventor)
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Abstract/Notes: This invention consists of a device for teaching small children multiplication. For this purpose I form a rectangular frame, preferably of wood having on it a number of parallel vertical wires on each of which are strung ten beads. Preferably there are nine such wires. At the bottom of the frame opposite the enid of each of the wires is placed the AD figure 0, and at the top of the frame reading from the right to the left opposite the ends of the wires are placed the numbers 1, 10, 100, and so on (if there are nine wires) up to a hundred million respectively. Preferably the three numbers up to 100 are printed in the same colour on the same background, the numbers 1000 to 100,000 are painted in the same colour and ea on the same background, but with the colour of the printing or the background different from that of the former three numbers and similarly the numbers a million to a hundred million, the printing or the background of all three being the same but differing in one or other from both of the foregoing sets of figures Preferably the beads are in three colours, those on the wires corresponding to the figures 1, i000 and a million being the same colour, those on the wires corresponding to the figures 10, 10,000 and 10 million being the same colour and those on the wires corresponding to the figures 100; 100,000 and 100 million being of the same colour. Preferably the wires are evenly spaced apart...
Language: English
Date of issue: 1930-09-04
Device for teaching young children elementary mathematics
Maria Montessori (Inventor)
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Abstract/Notes: This is a device for teaching small children multiplication. For this purpose I provide two sets of numbers printed or written on card board, to paper, bone or similar suitable substance.I The first sets consist of several (and preferably six) series of nine numbers each, X the first of these series consisting of the units 1 to 9, the next multiples of ten from 10 to 90, the next multiples of 100 from 100 to 900 the next similar multiples of 1000, the next similar multiples of 10,000 and the last of 100,000 and so on as may be required. Preferably each series is printed in a different colour from every other series, but the individual numbers of the series are printed in the same colour and the piece of material on which the set is printed differs only in the matter of length. The numbers hereinbefore described are intended to be used for selection in order to make up the answer of the sum. I provide another set of numbers consisting of a number of series (preferably four) the first series consisting of the numbers 1 to 9. the next consisting of the numbers 2 to 9 and the number 10, the next consisting of the numbers 2 to 9 and the number 100 and the last consisting of tne numbers 2 to 9 and the number 1000...
Language: English
Date of issue: 1930-07-31
Improvements in artificial lighting
Maria Montessori (Inventor)
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Abstract/Notes: This invention relates to the artificial lighting of the interiors of buildings, and it is desired primarily to be exclusively for use in nurseries or other rooms which are intended to be occupied by young children. As is well known, young children are universally frightened of shadows and it is desirable in rooms occupied by them therefore that the lighting provided shall be such that no shadows are cast by it and this invention consists of a new and improved method of lighting a room and avoiding shadows therein, by placing a light at the bottom of an opaque vertical column with a transparent top, whereby the light is directed upwards and is reflected from the ceiling of the room. The column may be adanted to stand on o, the floor or on any article of furniture, and it may be of such a design that it may be used as a table or for standing things upon during the day. In the preferred form of this invention a column of opaque porcelain of circular so or rectangular cross section is provided having a slightly wider base adapted to rest on the floor of the room. The top of the column is also made slightly wider and is covered by a plate of flat transparent glass. In the bottom of the column is placed an electric light bulb in any convenient holder and a flexible lead is placed therefrom through a hole in the base of the column to the source of electrical supply. Such lead may be of a length to allow the column to be removed to any desired place in the room. The rays of light from the electric lamp pass vertically up through the column-through the glass on the ceiling whence they are reflected directly downwards and shadows are avoided.
Language: English
Date of issue: 1930-06-19
Improved device for teaching grammar
Maria Montessori (Inventor)
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Abstract/Notes: This invention relates to a device for teaching grammar, constituting inech, anical device for the intellectual development of language, in children. The device, according to the present invention is not a book but all the names that the child is to locate over the corres- ponding objects are written on small cards. All the cards are small and rectangular and are of the same size, and are differently coloured, for instance black for a noun, grey for an article, brown for an adjective, red for a verb, pink for an adverb, green for a pronoun, violet for a preposition, yellow for a conjunction, and light-blue for an interjection.
Language: English
Date of issue: 1921-03-03
Mécanisme ou grammaire mécanique pour le développement intellectuel du langage [Mechanism or mechanical grammar for the intellectual development of language]
Maria Montessori (Inventor)
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Abstract/Notes: Patent.
Language: French
Date of issue: 1921-01-22
Sistema para Iniciar a los Niños en el Estudio de la Aritmética y de la Geometría Plana y del Espacio [System to Initiate Children in the Study of Arithmetic and Plane and Space Geometry]
Maria Montessori (Inventor)
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Abstract/Notes: Patent.
Language: Spanish
Date of issue: 1919-01-01
Cut-out geometrical figure for didactical purposes
Maria Montessori (Inventor)
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Abstract/Notes: This invention relates to an improvement in educational devices and more particularly to a device by means of which fundamental principles of geometry may be easily and rapidly taught to young pupils. The invention broadly consists of a plate or the like provided with a plurality of recesses of geometrical shapes and a plurality of insets adapted to be placed within each of the recesses to exactly fill the same.
Language: English
Date of issue: 1916-02-29